claims to be a premium chatting platform that makes intercultural communication possible. Just looking at the landing page gives us the feeling that this site can meet our expectations. The professional design and the list of benefits make look like a trustworthy communication service. Scam dating sites often manage to make a decent first impression, which is also the case here. In fact, a normal conversation is not what you get here. You will get involved in flirt chats by operators who work for the website. This site is a fake chat scam.
After registration, we receive 20 Credits. Credits are the virtual currency of the site and can be used to pay for sending messages in the chat. The number of free credits is not enough to have several interesting conversations. As a user, you can always buy additional credits in the shop, which means that chatting comes at a cost.
The other members are not who you think they are
Since the existence of fake profiles is not mentioned on the landing page, you can easily believe that this site is only used by genuine members. That is not the case. We read through the terms and conditions.
Excerpt from the Terms & Conditions (as of 03/08/2021)
You understand, acknowledge and agree that some profiles appearing on Talkliv may be created or operated by Talkliv or third-party contractors. The purpose of these types of profiles is to stimulate conversation with Users and encourage further and broader participation in all of Talkliv services.
A smart way to manipulate the users
The operator creates fake profiles. These profiles are then taken over by fake chat operators. They use them to interact with the users without raising too much suspicion. By sending charming messages to the users, they manage to seduce them. The users are supposed to actively use the chat because this will increase their spending on the site. is operated by Orania LTD from Gibraltar. This is our first experience with this operator. We also struggle to find any proper reviews for the company online. Nonetheless, we can tell that the company is connected to Aphelion Digital Corp, as we noticed that the company name on their website changes if the user visits from the USA. We already wrote about Aphelion Digital Corp in previous reviews.