User reviews

SimplyDating.com review

The result of our SimplyDating.com review: SimplyDating.com turned out to be an insufficient dating website.
SimplyDating.com review
Editorial rating (1 of 6)
Pro / Contra List
  • Fake Chat Scam
  • Fake Operator
  • Fake Profiles
  • Unlikely to meet
  • Negative comments
  • Very expensive

Report for SimplyDating.com review

SimplyDating.com presents itself as an internationally recognised online dating platform, but it quickly becomes apparent that it’s not what it claims to be. This website is notorious for using fake profiles and making empty promises, all in an effort to deceive unsuspecting single men worldwide. Their mission seems to be centred around convincing men that they can find genuine Eastern European women looking for Western husbands. SimplyDating.com employs a combination of fake profiles and the illusion of services offered by a matchmaking agency to Rip off potential subscribers.

On your first encounter with SimplyDating.com, it’s easy to get the impression that this is a scam website that one should avoid when searching for true love. However, it’s important to consider user feedback, although it’s worth noting that much of it appears to be fabricated by the website’s operators. The company behind this deceitful website, known as Simply Dating Network LTD, is based in London, UK. Let’s delve into the fabricated user reviews and conduct further research to uncover the truth about how SimplyDating.com preys on unsuspecting users for profit.

Scroll down to read the details of our SimplyDating.com review.

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Details on the SimplyDating.com review

At first glance, the initial page of SimplyDating.com might seem promising, but it’s essentially a façade. This is definitely not the place to look for genuine experiences if you are seeking a platform that connects you with Russian and Ukrainian women interested in relationships. The website claims that the women in the member’s area are all verified and interviewed, but in reality, they are nothing more than fabricated personas created by the operators.

The free registration is just the first step in their deception. Users can create an account, upload pictures, view fake ladies’ profiles in the Fake Chat, and respond to incoming messages with pre-scripted responses to maintain the illusion. One of the more interesting features is “speed dating,” which offers users a weekly opportunity to chat with fake members in a session that lasts for 60 minutes with each member.

Deception Through Payments

To communicate with other members, users are required to purchase credits. Each message consumes 4 credits, equivalent to $1.00, which is essentially a way to deplete your wallet while conversing with fabricated profiles. The absence of automatic renewal might be the only aspect of transparency, but it’s designed to make you feel in control while ultimately being a part of the deception.

Other Deceptive Practices

Simply Dating offers a range of deceptive services to provide users with a fabricated, insecure, and frustrating experience. These services encompass introductions, poorly translated messages, inconvenient online chatting, overpriced gift delivery, and unnecessary travel arrangements. Their 24/7 support team is equally complicit in this grand deception.

Important Note

SimplyDating.com is affiliated with Simply Dating Network LTD, an English company based in London that operates other deceptive websites. Numerous negative reviews from past online users confirm the use of fake profiles to scam its members. They manipulate users into submitting claims of scamming against one of the ladies, only to deny refunds, illustrating their dedication to a deceitful and fraudulent dating experience.

The conclusion from our SimplyDating.com review

SimplyDating.com appears to be a platform for individuals seeking deception, false promises, and rip-offs. In contrast to reputable websites, it offers a range of deceptive services, none of which are available for free, except for the disappointment they bring. While concerns about the authenticity of profiles have been raised by numerous previous users, it’s evident that the operator actively engages in these deceptions. They may offer refunds as a false sense of security, but in reality, they do not deliver, further showcasing their commitment to providing a dishonest dating experience.

If you would like to learn more about the dating scam, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Simply Dating Network LTD.

If you have already had experiences with SimplyDating.com, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.

Know someone who might be interested in this SimplyDating.com review? Share a link to this review via Email, X (Twitter) or Facebook.

Frequently asked questions about SimplyDating.com

Yes, according to our research, the dating site SimplyDating.com is a scam.

According to the information we could find, the operator is Simply Dating Network LTD. However, the owners of negatively tested dating websites change very often. Therefore, it is possible that another operator has been registered in the meantime.

We currently have no other reviews about Simply Dating Network LTD dating sites in our database. However, this does not mean that other sites do not exist.

The review of SimplyDating.com was published on May 15, 2022 on DatingSpot24.com.

The review of the dating website SimplyDating.com was last revised on November 8, 2023.

Based on the results of the research on the dating website SimplyDating.com, the editors have given it a rating of 1 spots.
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3 User reviews


Very Suspect

I registered with Ukraine Brides Agency (UBA) one month ago and have spent almost 1000 credits, mostly communicating with one woman who seems genuine, except she is online every day from midday until 3am Ukraine time which seems odd for someone that claims to be employed full time with only one day off each week. We message each other daily, but my messages are generally unread for at least a day despite her showing as online. We have live text chats every 2 or 3 days, and again she often doesn’t read my previous letter until after the chat session. I’ve read countless negative reviews, and only 2 positive which is worrying. I’ve also noticed if you message a woman who does not speak English, you receive a response in rather sophisticated English, using colloquialisms, and also standard statements you'd hear in a call center. It almost seems many of these messages are generated by something like ChatGPT. However the woman I’m communicating with speaks 3 languages, so we chat in real time in 2 languages. However I’m still very suspicious as although she has suggested meeting within the next month or so, she refuses to exchange contact details until after we meet. UBA state they will arrange a meeting, but the woman if free to not turn up, so even if you pay to go to Ukraine, there is no guarantee that you'll even meet the woman. So I did some research: Simply Dating UK is owned by Keith XXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXX) living in XXXXXXX, New Zealand. In some reviews on other sites he has responded very aggressively challenging anyone to prove the profiles are fake, which is near impossible when all we have is a photo and first name which might not be real. He claims he is married to a Ukrainian which is why he began the agency. Except there are 2 directors and shareholders. The other director is Moi Backwell who lives at the same address as Keith. Between them they have at least 4 companies, and in turn they are owned my UBA Trustees Limited, which is registered to: Collins and XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX, New Zealand. (At least Keith doesn't have to walk far from his home). The NZ company registration lists the ownership structure as Complex, so why, and what are they hiding? Finally we have Britain’s Companies House. Simply Dating was registered in 2017 and ordered to be struck off in 2018. However Keith persuaded them not to strike him off. He then declared the company dormant for every year of trading since, including the last account submission August 2023, so exactly where is all the Money going when he doesn't submit his annual accounts? Is it going straight in his pocket avoiding the tax man? Seems so... Previous trading names are: Single Women International Limited, Simply Dating UK, and Simply Dating Network Limited. Why does he need to keep changing the name (4 names in 6 years), and why do the pair own an additional 4 other related companies not including their US office? Something isn’t right. Therefore if this is how he conducts business with smoke and mirrors, what chance do men have when searching for a genuine woman on one of his many sites?


Simply Dating / Ukraine Brides Agency Scam

I was a member of this website in 2022, having had some past experience and success dating Russian women I took my chances here thinking it was a genuine dating option. It was not, the website simply dating / ukraine brides agency as they are the same with a different dashboard gives this false sense of hope. Yes the women are stunning in many cases but then professional photos can often make the most average woman seem very attractive, the deception of makeup! During my time on the site I was speaking with a woman from Dnipro, we messaged a lot, more than should have happened to be honest and that was on me. I guess it fell into the zero sum argument, I had invested so much time and effort it felt I was obliged to continue. It was a recurring theme, we would message at cost to myself, we would video call on occasion also to cost to myself. In fairness the woman in question did look as the photos suggested and she had reasonably good English as her profile specified, it was that which drew me to it in the first place. Long story short, we communicated for a period of 4 months, during that time I requested her contact details on three seperate occasions and each time she declined with varying excuses. When I pressed her on the subject she said she wanted to meet in person first due to the war, which was impractical. I was blunt, made it clear that expecting communication only via this website was unrealistic and it clearly fell on deaf ears. I spoke with another woman from Drohobych, she then moved to Odessa. This one actually seemed to progress to some extent. Again we messaged, we spoke a lot on video chat much more the woman above, almost daily infact. I remember sending her roses for her Birthday in December 2022. I received a picture of her receiving the gift (Can confirm the gift is over priced for what it is) The recurring thought in my head was how the picture didn't look real to me, almost like this was a professional photo of her receiving flowers but with a photo shopped image of my name on the card. I could be wrong but it certainly seemed that way to me. I asked for her contact details after the gift and to my surprise she actually accepted. At first I took that as a positive, an opportunity to communicate away from the website. How wrong I was on that. I was given her phone number and email address. I sent an email first, never received a response to that. I sent her a message on whatsapp and she did respond to that but the conversation was very dry, almost like I was speaking with another person. This went on a few weeks and she eventually started asking me for money which I declined, the conversations stopped after that. In conclusion it feels like these women are paid to be there. They are camgirls with none of the fun. The website will decline this statement but I feel it to be true. These women have no interest in meeting anyone, this is just a way for them to make money. Do some research, I wish I had last year knowing what I know now. A lot of the women there have been on the site for several years and some are on 10-12 hours per day, that should be enough a of red flag for anyone. One final thought however, there used to be google reviews for Ukraine Brides Agency most of which were negative and these are no longer viewable, that should tell you what you need to know.

Tony Raske

I have been on all the sites and actually spent my own money on the sites. I interacted with hundreds maybe thousands. When I say interacted that means I exchanged at least two or more messages with profile. Yes, I spent an embarrassing amount. All to find out that YES indeed these sights are set up to take advantage of the man genuinely seeking love! All profiles have an introductory letter that is sent whether the profile knows at the moment or if at all until she sees a response from the male suitor. These letters praise of love and togetherness and they are ready for love now! It’s all BS. I found ridiculous amount of false profiles fake profiles and computer generated profiles. I would find the same profiles on sister sites and they would have no clue who I was even after I would tell them show them pics and even show them our letters. Deny deflect detour. That is what these ladies are taught. The whole purpose of these sites is to generate income off the gentleman trying to find love. You can’t exchange contact info without prior approval and that’s usually after a specific number of chats letters etc . And trust me that number is not small. If you picked one profile and did the process it would cost you a minimum of $500-$1000 before you could even request info. Then you have to pay another fee to “request” info . Then another fee for background check. Everyone gets to look this over then decide if you can get contact info. I did the process it cost me almost $1500 and never even got the request made because of the extra bullshit they tried making me pay or saying this chat didn’t count because it wasn’t long enough etc. When I contacted support showed them the evidence of fake pics profiles etc. it would take days if not a week or more and they would respond with “you are not forced to sign up or use our services. Told me I could not have refund. Told me to quit whining not every profile is going to want to be with me. It was degrading expensive and unrealistic. Total scam! It’s just done with pretty ladies and fancy words and a long list of “not responsible for” rhetoric. If you value your time and money earned . Have an ego left . Do not use these sites. Hopefully the new law passed in Europe will shut down these sites. This is my opinion based of of actual experience and contact

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