
- Reliable site
- Real members
- No subscription trap
- Unpopular website
- Low number of members
- Bad price-performance ratio
Report for review is a reliable online dating portal for singles in New Zealand. This portal offers a solid matchmaking system, and other more interesting features. We can exclude any kind of risk. This website is not a scam. The profiles are real, and fake chat operators are not employed. Costs will develop for a subscription, which is easy to cancel, and it is not a trap.
However, we did some research and found a few reviews. According to the experience of former users, this website can be worth a try. But there are a few negative aspects to mention. The portal is not very popular. So, the number of members is low as well. Therefore, the chances of finding a match are low as well. Additionally, the price-performance ratio is not good, according to reviews. The site’s operator is Trade Me LTD, which is based in New Zealand. The exact location of the company is not provided, which is a negative aspect.
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Details on the review
The online dating portal looks like an interesting choice. Indeed, this website is a reliable choice for finding a partner in New Zealand. The profiles on the site are real. The staff on this portal monitor new profiles, and check if they are real. Moreover, fake chat operators are not employed. Additionally, we found no hint of a rip-off with a subscription trap. So, this site is safe to use. But we must mention a few negative aspects. However, if you feel interested in the site’s offer, it might be worth spending some money and time.
This online dating service is not very popular. We did some research and found only a few reviews. Most of these reviews were positive, which, is of course, a good sign. But we found reports about a very low number of members. In general, the few reviews that we found is the first hint of a small members´ pool. Additionally, most users of the site are “silver agers”, according to the information on the internet. But the site claims to be a dating service for younger singles as well. It appears that these singles could be very disappointed.
This site is reliable
Another negative aspect is the bad price-performance ratio. The rates on the portal are not overpriced. But because of the low number of members, it might happen that money will be spent for nothing. We want to complete our list of negative aspects, by mentioning the site’s operator. The operator is Trade Me LTD, which is based in New Zealand.
But the exact location of the company is not provided. This is, of course, another negative aspect. Anyway, we did not find any clue suggesting a rip-off. We also did not find any reviews that mention any kind of suspicious activities on the site. Most users had a solid experience with the site. This dating service is safe to use.
The conclusion from our review, run by Trade Me LTD, from New Zealand, is a reliable online dating portal. We can exclude any kind of scam. The profiles are real, and not controlled by chat moderators. Additionally, there is no risk of falling into a subscription trap. The chances of finding a match exist. However, the chances are very small, as the site is not very popular. So, the number of members is not too high as well. We also found some complaints about a bad price-performance ratio.
There have been no recent changes on since our last report. The design, and Terms and Conditions are the same. This site is still operated by Trade Me LTD, from New Zealand. The operating company remains trustworthy and does not employ fake chat operators to engage users. Even though it has paid subscriptions, they are not a rip-off, as they are easy to cancel.
Based on our findings, the website is still an excellent social network for users to find their perfect match. But this is not guaranteed, because the site still has few members, which is an issue prospective members should consider.
If you would like to learn more about the dating scam, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Trade Me LTD.
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