User reviews

2024 Exposed: The Surprising Truth Behind DateMyAge.com’s Promises

The Outcome of Our In-Depth DateMyAge.com Review: A Surprisingly Inadequate Choice for Mature Daters in 2024
2024 Exposed: The Surprising Truth Behind DateMyAge.com’s Promises
Editorial rating (2 of 6)
Pro / Contra List
  • Subscription Rip off
  • Fake profiles
  • Bad experience
  • Unlikely to meet
  • Negative comments
  • Very expensive

Report for DateMyAge.com review

As a seasoned expert in the realm of online dating, I’ve spent over a decade exploring various platforms, seeking out those that truly deliver on their promises. Today, I turn my critical eye toward DateMyAge.com, a site that has sparked considerable debate among users worldwide. Operated by Venta Solutions PTE LTD, this platform claims to offer a vibrant space for mature singles to connect. However, after extensive testing, my findings raise several concerns about its legitimacy and value for users in 2024.

Unveiling the Truth: A Comprehensive DateMyAge.com Review

From the outset, DateMyAge.com presents itself as a haven for mature singles looking to forge meaningful connections. Yet, my journey through the site’s features and community painted a different picture. I have tested this site extensively, engaging with its mechanisms and member interactions to provide a thorough analysis.

Scroll down to read the details of our DateMyAge.com review.

Share your experience of DateMyAge.com with us by writing your own review.

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  • Good balance: female 57% / male 43%
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Details on the DateMyAge.com review

Upon registering, I was greeted by an array of profiles spanning various countries—a promising start, yet something felt amiss. Despite the site’s global appeal, the absence of local profiles in Australia, where I conducted my review, raised the first red flag about its efficacy for local dating.

Navigating the Murky Waters of Moderated Chats

I have been testing dating sites for more than 10 years now, and my experience with DateMyAge.com’s chat feature was unsettling. Almost immediately after completing my profile, my inbox was flooded with messages. This rapid influx, rather than indicating a vibrant community, suggested the presence of artificial engagement, potentially through chatbots or fake profiles operated by the site itself.

The Silent Disclaimer: Hidden Costs and Fake Profiles

Diving deeper, my investigation revealed a disturbing lack of transparency regarding the use of fake profiles—a common pitfall in the online dating industry. The necessity to subscribe to a premium membership to access basic features like reading messages hinted at a strategy designed to entice users into spending money without the promise of genuine interaction.

The Sticky Web of Subscription Traps

Moreover, the subscription model employed by DateMyAge.com, while not unusual in itself, became a point of contention due to the site’s dubious practices. The automatic renewal feature, coupled with the difficulty in cancelling memberships, exemplified the predatory tactics used to lock users into ongoing payments.

Credibility at Stake: The Reputation of Venta Solutions PTE LTD

In researching the operator behind DateMyAge.com, Venta Solutions PTE LTD’s reputation came under scrutiny. The company’s association with a platform that seemingly prioritizes profit over genuine user engagement raises questions about their commitment to fostering authentic connections within the online dating landscape.

Final Verdict: DateMyAge.com in the Spotlight

After my registration and thorough exploration, it’s clear that DateMyAge.com’s allure is overshadowed by its shortcomings. The platform’s reliance on misleading tactics, from the use of fake profiles to the convoluted subscription model, undermines its potential as a trustworthy space for mature singles.

DateMyAge.com 2024 Review: A Closer Look at the Pros and Cons

Despite its promising premise, the reality of DateMyAge.com falls short of expectations. The site’s extensive use of artificial engagement strategies not only detracts from the user experience but also casts doubt on the possibility of forming genuine connections. Coupled with the opaque pricing structure and challenging cancellation process, DateMyAge.com struggles to justify its value proposition to users in 2024.

Is DateMyAge.com Legit in 2024? An Expert’s Insight

Drawing on over a decade of experience in evaluating dating platforms, my conclusion is clear: DateMyAge.com does not meet the standards expected of a legitimate, user-centric dating site. The evidence, from user testimonials to the operational tactics of Venta Solutions PTE LTD, points to a platform more concerned with profit than people.

The conclusion from our DateMyAge.com review

In the ever-evolving world of online dating, transparency, authenticity, and user satisfaction should be paramount. Unfortunately, DateMyAge.com’s approach in 2024 exemplifies a concerning trend towards the opposite. For those seeking meaningful connections, the journey with DateMyAge.com may lead to frustration and disappointment, overshadowed by the specter of financial exploitation.

In the landscape of online dating, where genuine connections should be the cornerstone, DateMyAge.com’s practices serve as a cautionary tale. It underscores the importance of vigilance and critical assessment when navigating these digital spaces, reminding us that not all platforms are created equal.

If you would like to learn more about the dating scam, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Venta Solutions PTE LTD.

If you have already had experiences with DateMyAge.com, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.

Know someone who might be interested in this 2024 Exposed: The Surprising Truth Behind DateMyAge.com’s Promises? Share a link to this review via Email, X (Twitter) or Facebook.

Frequently asked questions about DateMyAge.com

Yes, according to our research, the dating site DateMyAge.com is a scam.

According to the information we could find, the operator is Venta Solutions PTE LTD. However, the owners of negatively tested dating websites change very often. Therefore, it is possible that another operator has been registered in the meantime.

We currently have no other reviews about Venta Solutions PTE LTD dating sites in our database. However, this does not mean that other sites do not exist.

The review of DateMyAge.com was published on December 3, 2020 on DatingSpot24.com.

The review of the dating website DateMyAge.com was last revised on March 29, 2024.

Based on the results of the research on the dating website DateMyAge.com, the editors have given it a rating of 2 spots.
We recommend one of our test winners!
Logo Ashley Madison
Casual Dating
  • 50+ million members worldwide
  • Single, attached, looking to explore, or just curious to discover what’s out there
Logo Be2
  • 766.000+ members trust our scientific approach
  • Good balance: female 57% / male 43%
Logo Academic Singles
Dating sites
  • 190,000+ members in Australia
  • Relevant matches based on your personality test
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57 User reviews



I also was scammed, i talked to "Angelo" for a year, yes he was always on , and told me to only talk to him, he is a real man, he worked for "NATO" and all this other bullcrap , he was going to "RETIRE" and come here and start a new life with me! he made the biggest ass out of me, till i decided to do some research on my own, and i found out so much! His real name is "JOSE LUIS CARINA" hes a trainer in Argentina , I found him on facebook and Instagram when I confronted him about this he said it was all a cover up and that NATO runs his pages, he said I "crossed the line" , thats so funny I found out what a fake he is and he was so mad, he has and ex-wife, girlfriends and a daughter , but none of them would answer me they must be afraid of him!! yes its very sad how they prey on women who like me lost their husbands and spend money to talk to them!! Im not done yet so ladies feel free to go on his sites and tell him what a scammer he is , I sure none of those people know who he really is!! No one makes an ass out of me and gets away with it!!!



This is 100 percent a scam and would put zero stars if they had it. If your a guy almost all the women are 5'8 and have same type of job. You will get non stop hits them wanting to talk with you the same people on day and night. If you ask a question will be answered in vague answer. If i had to guess would say is a AI generated program. Please help report as a scam.

Lenny 43

The worst dating app ever !!

Don’t waist your money in this app, they take your money and said you will have subscriptions, after you subscribe they said you need to buy credit is more and more money , this is a rip off use another app were the offer is true , they don’t care how much money you spend because this is scam , and fraud after you send e-mail they change terms and conditions…. I never seen nothing like this before , you don’t have chance even to take a phone number , because even if another person send you messages it’s cost your credit …. And guess . In order to respond you need to buy more credit , I never recommend this app save time, money ….. they play with single people feelings… they rover my money thieves


Tucked in

I recently joined datemyage and was bombarded with requests. I became interested in a man who knew what to say. I kept buying credits and it started annoying me. so I asked him for his email or address and I would communicate with him that way.he starts telling me he is in danger and the government is trying to seize his accounts and this is the only safe place for him to communicate. the bottom line is I have been trying to delete my account after I went to look at my bank account today and they charged me 185 dollars 3 times in the same day.I didn't authorise that!!! and immediately sent customers service to replace my money. I was told when my credits run out they automatically charge me again. but I only bought 20 credits. this guy says he's a plastic surgeon I google his name and could find nothing about him.im going to have to contact my bank and cancel my card.I don't trust that they will delete my account. if went through all the steps to delete my account. but just don't trust they will. biggest scam ever.


datemyage review

I almost gave in to pay for some credits but I had a funny feeling about this site. Then I decided to read the reviews and I was so glad I did. There was this one gentleman I was very interested in and sent him one free chat, but to read his reply I had to upgrade. I noticed most of the members were from a foreign country that sent me chat notices, I was beginning to get suspicious at that point. Thanks so much for the reviews.

Cynthia Lopez

Total scam. They charge you 19.99 a month just to have a profile and they give you a certain amount of "credits". They credits are for communicating with members. Then they send bots or fake profiles to chat with you. Once you use up your "credits", they won't let you keep communicating with the members unless you buy more "credits", even though they charge you 19.99 for the membership.


I would like an investigation into this company, I face I would like to take this company to court with the help of others that have been scammed by datemyage, anyone that is willing to be part of the take down of this company please leave a comment


someone stoled my credit card and used my real name on it I am happily married with kids, I do not use dating sites I contacted my bank and they put a hold on my card, I did not even know it was gone until today. someone i guess has it out for me cause they charged almost 400 on the site, Who ever stoled my card made a fake email address Well I told the chick i want my money back she got rude with me on the phone I said then my lawyer will be calling I will sue your ass and have your scamming web site shut down, I never in my life used a dating site cause they are all scammers, so my advice do not trust dating sites they are all liars and scammers

Elizabeth Josefson

Fake fake fake. I thought I was chatting with someone from Los Angeles California an American businessman. I had to hire an investigator to find out he lives in Germany and he’s an actor in Germany. I called this site and I told them I was calling my bank to receive my money back because I was frauds I spent over $3000 on this crappy site. Shame on you people for doing this for hard-working people. I also called this site and explain to the gentleman that I spoke to about what was going on. I have all the information from his name, real name in Germany and all his details all in German some of the pictures he had on his Germany. He put a few on this dating site, he kept sending me emails and like a jerk I was opening them up to read them. I told him to stop sending emails but yet he kept doing that I had a feeling he was a curator for this company. I even mentioned it to him, I called both my banks and forwarded to them how much of a fraud this gentleman was and you people are supposed to check these people out when they sign up for this site shame on you . He even didn’t even give me his correct birthday made up a birthday. What louse ! Only thing I regret is not letting him know that I found out who he really is. He is nothing but a liar.


This site caters to lonely people looking for some kind of friendship/hookup. What they don't know is that any communication winds up costing you. It appears that most of the women posting are shills for this offshore company that makes money by enticing gullible people to buy credits to chat or view or email and also has the participants asking the gullible for "presents' like flowers for a highly inflated price. I have to believe that many women are not only fake on this site but are duplicitious by trying to get you to spend more money. Most likely they are either getting a commission OR they are phonies and the real person you are talking to is either a Chinese guy in Singapore or someone else who has a really poor grasp of English grammar.

Georgia Makeda

It is 100% a scam. Their members are paid to lure people. A few members I was chatting with tried to find excuses all the time reasons why we should not chat on another private platform. I lost money there and called them to say they were cheaters and scammers. They would pay for that one day. I just hope Karma just takes them all those fraud and scammers


I got hit hard, and it hurts. How can you pretend to be a widower and pry on a real widower. I am so discusted right now and if I could go back on there and give this guy a piece of mind I would. I got taken for a lot of money I'm going to try and delete my profile and cx my credit card and get a new one.


Yes, it's a scam. I began talking to a man who was supposedly a police officer in California and it became intense very quickly. I told him repeatedly that I was spending too much money on the site and needed to take the conversation off the site to something free and he never responded to those comments. After about two weeks I discovered that all of the photos and the three videos he sent me were all of an actual Brazilian actor who has a profile on IMDb. When I challenged him about it, he insisted he was a police officer and couldn't talk off the site because of an investigation he was involved in. I even found an email address on IMDb for the actor and sent an email to that address without mentioning it on the DMA site. Later the person I was talking to told me he had seen that email. So he either is the actor, works with the actor, or hacked the actor's email account. Oh, and he did send me a lot of those expensive icons but he didn't ask me to send them back. Most recently he added a new photo of himself (supposedly) in a uniform. I found the exact same photo on the actor's IMDb profile. And the names are different, btw. I canceled my account and complained to them that it was a scam. They emailed me to apologize and say that if I could prove it was a fake account they would return all the money I spent on credits talking to that person. Today I sent a dozen or more photos and chat screen shots proving my claim. So we will see what happens. I will update my review once this is resolved. And yes, I got really connected to the person really quickly and it hurt a lot to discover his duplicity.


i am going to tell the truth here for all who want to know... this site is the most EVIL trap i have ever seen!!! fake profiles of fake men (and probably women ) who lure innocent new members to STAY online and spend their money, no doubt they work by commission in addition to being "FREE" , "POPULAR" and "CURRATED" members, these people are ruthless! in addition the chat box, profiles, and emails, etc. are closely monitored and censored by the unseen directors. they work at home and in cubicles, where they train the young men. some look like teenagers! i have screen shots. one actually catches a "supervisor" helping a trainee to set up a "video chat." if anyone thinks a blog or youtube will help others, i'm on board... the two men who ABUSED me online continue to taunt me after the "fall." NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TRY TO REMOVE MY INFO. it's still there when i check, AND modified!!! they are using your profile to lure even more innocent people in... GOD only knows who has your info. AND your purchase info. I AM SURE they have ripped me off for payments and my cards were at risk. associate sites are: udates, amolatina, arabiandate, zendate, zoozk and who knows? they say "WE have rights..."


I lost a lot of money, but the person in the profile sent me a video of him playing guitar and he seemed like the same person of the profile. I think some of them are very cautious about giving their information out I know I am I would rather chat with someone while before I met him.


Has anyone experienced getting connected with a guy that sends you lots of pictures of him and his daughters and he lets you communicate with them (supposedly they are doing the emails he lets them do to me) and he seems like such a good father and family man. So has anyone else experienced a man using his children as bait, making himself look so decent and good??


I totally agree with all of the above, it’s a total scam…., I have removed my profile but yet still receiving emails……Jonny is missing you!. I have also checked my spam and receiving Abriandating.com….fake profiles and have really good jobs…….English is very poor.


Good morning, I have very concrete proof, and I can upload it here, it is all false. I spoke with a man named Thiago from Texas City, Texas, Plastic Surgeon and Lecturer, Divorced. He claims to be Brazilian, and at the same time an English citizen. I checked him out and he turned out to be from Brazil, SAN PABLO also named Thiago but with a different last name. I found him on facebook, instagram and linquedin, I sent messages to the real Thiago and he blocked me on instagram, he does not respond on linkedin email but I can see that he reads messages on messenger. I think there is almo more here, these people who have the free profiles, must charge a commission in dollars, since they know about everything. If I had caught them identity theft at least they would have thanked me. It is a big mafia and I have pictures and all the evidence to destroy this company.

Maria dé guzman

Omg . Thanks at least now i know. thanks GOD. i also spent money here. its hurt but. it's ok. tsk tsk.

GiGi E

datemyage.com is an absolute despicable scam of a dating site. Even the supposed SUPPORT email does nothing but instruct you to login (which I am unable to do) and go to their HELP PAGE, which is probably a NO-help page. Once you sign up you get messages from fake “people” who are NOTHING LIKE what you’re seeking and the questions they ask are ridiculously stupid, which is typical of bots and scammers!! Don’t waste your time on this POS!!!


Fake, fake, fake!!! Obvious from very first response! Big scam! Can't believe anyone falls for it!


This site is very expensive, I spend too much, sending few messages and reading theirs easily drained my credits.The people here are scammer, I think the one replying is just a machine.I put my wattsapp nmbr but no one wanted to exchange message outside of this site for they never had used it.and this is a sign of fake.


i was actually talking to a real guy but the same as the others..he won't talk outside this site including social media.. you know why? because these guys earn by sending emails and would like a reply by email too because they earn from them.. that includes the symbols.. the higher the credit amount of the symbol the higher they are paid. .. you would notice that they are always online and seems not sleeping at all because the more chats, the more income for them...but honestly, my chat mate was a nice, funny guy that's why i continued my chat with him despite i knew all about it ,, although he doesn't admit.he said he's talking only to me but i knew all the while.. and i even saw his profile at the other dating site...you can never have a real life date here...you will be confined to this site only and you would never meet him even he is a real person...it's only business for them...it's their job...CHAT AND EARN...


i didnt pay money. but cant get my photo off. this site is a SCAMM no one is ever within driving distance a true tip off they all have accents ans are reading scripts. I am not saying other sites dont have phoniess but this is outrageous dont sign up you can never unsubscribe. too many dating sites so real people are being canibilized not enough real people on any of these sites drop online dating for awhile now that the virus has cut down and try volunteering or meet up

Eveline Visser

I had the same experience as all of you above. What a scam! Nice looking man who can't even write proper English even though they live in the USA and are doctors, lawyers etc. They are all very rich but keep on talking nonsense. Their education is so low that after 2 days I had enough as this site is solely trying to get money out of people. I have taken off my pictures and all the info I had put in my profile. I deleted my membership and hope that they won't take money out of my credit card account. I have to admit after writing to them a lot of times and threatening them, I received £399 back. I did inform my credit card provider straight away and they would file a dispute if I didn't get the money back. I told that to them too. Please, please, stay far away from this site. The men, and I assume the women, are all fake and they even tell you that they are in love with you. Yeah right!!!!


Yes. It didn't take too long to recognize the similarities in the profiles. Majority live in Brazil, Dubai, Spain, Manhattan or somewhere in that general area. Haven't seen one person from Boise, Idaho or Detroit, Michigan😆 The men are beautiful. Browsing their profiles is like reading a child (me) a fairy tale at bedtime. A girl can dream. Looks like they all use the same photographer, same poses...photo shot locations...even a lot of the same haircuts. I post a thing or two to a couple of them every now and again....just to see how they respond. Of course, you can only read the first part of the response. My "safety net" I've given myself is "no $'s....for anything." I don't want or trust a friendship/ date I have to pay for. I'm worth and deserve better than that. And so are you ladies☺


I am still talking to Josh who is 61 I am 74 of course the age gap does not bother him. We have been chatting for 5 months now. Do a lot of chatting daily so I am spending a bloody fortune which I tell him but his answer "is when you have found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with " money should not come into. I know this is a scam but I keep thinking that he is for real. I am goug to try yet again to walk away. Cancel my subscription to DATEMYAGE which is THE WORST DATING WEBSITE any normal honest person will unwilling get trapped into. They will lose a lot of hard earned money and their self esteem. THIS IS A BAD PLACE TO BE. GO LEAVE THIS SITE ASAP

Daniela franco

Top expensive...


I have been on datemyage for a few months and I have lost a good deal of money. The man that claims to love me with his heart was so wonderful in the beginning. After a few weeks he changed. I didn't think anything about it for a while until he started to say the same things over and over. He also would not answer a question with the right answer. his answer made no sense. Sometimes it seemed he would ignor my question all together. When I started to figure all this out and wanted to leave he pleaded with me to not leave him. Like a stupid person I stayed longer I have spent thousands of dollars on this site.


I think its a scam and was on this site for 7 months no one shares or video chats on this site its a shame I feel so stupid to be on this site in the first place where my heart is broken This site site should be closed so others are not hurt like me


So, I have been in this website too, and agree with all the above. So please help me to avoid these guys charge me more money. I want to cancell my subscription and they dont reply back to me. WHat can I do to avoid paying more money?


Yes I also believe this is a big scam all the people on the site look so good ,but I think also not real people. No one wants to share like video chat I have know this person on the site for 7 months and never really wanted to share a video chat with me So I think this site is a big SCAM and so stay safe and not to get your heart broken

Paul Mak

It is 100% a scam. Their members are paid to lure people. A member I was chatting with tried to find excuses all the times to meet though we are located in the same city. I lost money there and called them to say they were cheaters and scammers. They would pay for that one day. I just hope Karma just take them all.


I am chatting with someone for nearly 4 months supposedly we chat every day he is 13 years younger than me but he says he does not care. He sounds real but he will get off this site and talk using a google chat page obviously I have spent a fortune like all of you. Datemyage is just a scammers website. A complete ripoff NOT USE DATEMYAGE


This site sucks, they play with your time and make a lot of profit from your money, they play with your emotions which is something even more serious. Nobody ever wants to chat outside the site.


I have been on this site for 11 months supposedly talking to a dentist who supposedly has a practice in Orlando, she has had one sad sack story after another and is stuck in Serbia supposedly due to Covid and claims she is in the hospital. Every time I threaten to get off the site she uses manipulation to keep me chatting with her and will not use email to talk. I recently lost my wife and was vulnerable so any help or advice to get a refund back in the amount of $18'000.00 would be appreciated. MT in the US


I have been on the site approx a month, costing me an absolute fortune, have met a really cool guy with 2 kids but he won’t talk offline at all and sends a million emails so you have to pay to read them. He says it’s soon to talk offline and won’t disclose his number or email. He sounds really genuine but how you know if it’s a scam or he’s just been cautious ?


All complaints are valid, I was one of the victims of this fraudulent Scam myself, but what really is frustrating that one seem to be able to do anything about it, if you read this review contact azulxoxo@hotmail to be able to aproa h by the legal system.

Andrea Hostutler


Christine wareing

I have recently joined this website and have met somebody through it, and he seems quite genuine, I am glad that I have read these reviews now I am not sure what to do, and yes it certainly is a drain on finances


Datemyage.com RUN!!! The biggest SCAM!!!! It was a biggest mistake in my life and I lost alot of money!! I feel completely stupid!! Stupid in hope to find love!! It was my first time on the site and being innocent and not knowing how wicket this world is with full of SCAMERS!! Everyone is looking like a model, but they are DOCTORS!!! And they are online 24/7 and typing away. Seriously, a doctor has no time to be online 24/7. When I asked what university this guy went to, he refused to answer. Everyone is calling me " darling, baby, love etc.." and letters after letters, everytime I opened, it cost me tons, but I was innocent and stupid. Even when I deleted my photos, still I received hundreds of emails from ROBOTS or FAKE people telling me that I am beautiful and they want to talk to me. What a SCAM!! Horrible!!


This message is for NAT on 23rd July. I would like to join you into reporting to Ministry of Manpower in Singapore to get these people! I have been on this site for 2 years and finally waking up. Please contact me asap! I have the address of MOM in Singapore and who you can complaint to.

Diana Nikolova

It's a fake site ! I actually sing in two days ago. I have uploaded couple of photos. And they wanted to pay for chatting... Naaah it's never Ok to pay for a chat service. Even the chat messages I have received were really ODD. The first thing that i have saw were the good quality of images uploaded to the site. I liked that , because there were a lot of good looking people. And there were some great rules too... But after only two days of "chatting" usually I received some messages and mine were blocked. So... it's probably a big RIP OFF so don't recommend at all.


Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: I experienced that same and wrote my comments as well. I went into this sites' help center and to its right has their Contact US via email. I wrote and ask for refund. Took a picture of it, and threans to file a complain of this Singapore registered company with the Singapore government. I also read above from one ex member that this company pass her info and credit care to their related or sister company Eurodate? I then went back and wrote another email warning then that if my account and credit card info is passed onto that company, I will surely file a separete fraud complain with the Singapore governemnt. I can tell you that the Singapore government takes a very strict view of IT scams of any sort. If anyone of you wish to join in my complain, please let me know. Feel free to ask this page manager for my email address. Nat


YES, IT IS A SCAM. I registered my profile a few days ago. On 7/21, I paid a one month subscription for 199 credits. I thought I had one month to talk to people. I replied to about 15 people that day, and chatted for an hour with a dashing 45+ year old guy. Later he said he would like to continue our chat the next day. I agree since our conversation was good. Then today, instead of continuing our chat, he told me that he would send me a CASTLE and asks that I sent him bak one in return. The reason is so we can continue chatting online exclusively, and asked me to make a PACIT with him. When he sent me the CASTLE and asked me to reciprocate, I thought i was supposed to copy and paste the castle. It was a weird request. And then he took his time replying, the same sentence over and over and over again, asking why I do not want to have exclusive conservation with him. Eventually I click on the CASTLE icon and discovered that that is a 1000 credit icon. Meaning, he's indirectly asking me to buy 1000 credits ($500) in order to chat with him exclusively. I asked him why? ANd if he gets extra credits when he is able to persuage members like me to buy credits? I was upset and told him that he was being dishonest, and then my 199 credits, supposing to last a month, was gone. An automatic message asked me to refill (buy) 20 more credits. So I did because I wanted to test out how far the scam goes. Everyone who writes to me to ask e to reply, mostly are either doctors from cities in Eastern Europe or South America. After purchasing the 20 more credits at 80 cents/credit, i replied to a doctor supposedly in Milan. I informed him that I'm not going to be a member soon and asked if he could write3 to me via my personal email, which I had listed in my profile (I wrote there that this site was absurd and added my personal email to it). He replied that he has an employment contract with the site! Oh, he's not really a member but hired to keep us talking and wasting credits. Then just now I went back, and discovred that my account has been wiped out without warning. Before writing, I read other member's review and since it's operated out of Singapore, I'm going to first asks for all my refunds. And if they do not, I will report their scam activities to the Singapore government.


They all look too handsome. Lol


DANGER Be aware. DatemyAge is a scam. My email account was hacked. When I recovered it I found emails from DatemyAge and Plenty Of Fish, neither of which did I sign up for. I contacted both websites using their webpages. I informed them that someone hacked into my email and set up fake accounts using my email account to set up some kind of dating scam. I asked both sites to delete all accounts associated with my email and remove my email from their site. POF replied and did comply, I believe they are legitimate. DatemyAge has ignored all my requests to be removed and is now spamming my email. I am now wondering if someone from DatemyAge is the responsible party for hacking into my email. DO NOT USE DatemyAge, they are scammers!


How can we file a complaint against them ? I lost $35000 on this site . Stupid me!

Joy Bullick

This site is too good to be true the people you connect with have apparently no end to money private jets etc. Stay away from this site.


This is really chain scam. they have hired people and called them curator, which means that hustlers who lure you to tricky set up or dazzling show, so you buy. and here men and women are being paid out of money people spend here and they r not looking for a match or marriage, but just to trap you in long chat so u keep on buying coins and get nothing. you can call ur bank and dispute the payments you spent and you will get it back.


I have been on datemyage for almost 2 years and have lost lots of money! There is one member although I have seen him via video 3 times. He still refused to contact me and he lives in one of Latin America country which is a shit hole right now! He even knows that when he writes a letter his number will be block. I am just stupid enough to still believe in him. I even offered to bring him here but yet so many excuses that he can't get out of the country. This site is one real professional ripper!

Vivienne porter

Be aware. DatemyAge is a scam. They handed my profile to their sister company Eurodate without my permission. I was connected to fake profiles obviously people employed by the company and Eurodate scammed my credit card for a huge amount by stating I approved for automatic payments which I never did. I contacted my credit card fraud department. I never even joined Eurodate they are criminal scammers


Datemyage is definitely a scam, fake profiles. All of them its either he is doctor, civil engineering, pilot, successful business man, who their wives passed away. When you chat and ask the person a question, the answer that follows is definitely not correct, with what you asked. They are running a big time scam. I regret joining the them, waisted my money and time. I will definitely not recommend it.


I have experienced fake profile people that are hired to scam and make members pay more and more. This website is not for dating, it's for ripping us off.

Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)

Definitely a fake site, with fake profiles, and the messages (I get a hundred a day, and I've only been on the site for three days!) seem to be automatically generated. I even blocked one *guy/scammer*, because he insisted on writing, and, a day after I blocked him, he popped up again! At the bottom of the page of each scammer profile it says this: ***This member is curated by our partner and uses the website for free.*** I realized this the day after I signed up. Another thing that made me realize that something was phishy was when I wrote to a guy (I was able to get one message out), saying that it was easy to find me (since I'm a known artist), he wrote back, addressing me with my name, but I was not able to read the letter...No way am I going to take out a subscription! Anyway, reading this guy's profile it talked about him having a sailboat and sipping a glass of wine or a shot of rum...So, my thought was, hey, if you are so well off to afford a sailboat, then, surely you can afford a subscription, buy credits, and write to me, or, if you are smart enough, why didn't you look me up on FB, since I'm easy to find? That triggered the whole thing...I am definitely going to unsubscribe! Be aware everyone! scammers at their best! and they're all over the world...Creepy site! Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) LPM


I wished I had read these reviews FIRST! The site is a joke! And as stated, most of the profiles seem to be staged...every person except myself seen to be from another country other than my own (US). To say the least, it was a waste of my time and money. I’m requesting a refund!

Brian Brady

datemyage is definitely a scam. you cannot even disconnect from them should you make the mistake i did....10 emails a day or more...my profile fortunately has no info and cookies were blocked so other than the endless spam i am not at risk

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